What people are saying about the playdate deck

The Playdate Deck provides our family ways to connect and appreciate each other through playful, easy-to-understand improvisation-based games.

I'm 61 and my sons are 22, 20 and 19 years old. We rarely have the opportunity to connect outside of the logistics of life - work schedules, who's fed the dog, use of the car, etc. - so the deck really opens that door. It builds a sense of trust and appreciation for each other that already exists but is rarely spotlighted in the way that we experience through the interactions we share during the games.

They are quick, fun, and a great way to warm up for other conversations that can be more emotionally challenging, or just to touch base with a bit of fun. I love this deck. We belly laugh together, and at the end of playing I feel as though I've been hugged fully and completely, and that I've reciprocated in kind.


I love this deck! Not only are they fun, brief, and portable but the games have allowed me to connect with my partner of 14 years in completely new ways.

I have had surprising insights about our relationship, our communication patterns, and have learned about myself in the process. Practicing how to "yes, and" my partner has carried over into our day-to-day lives creating more spontaneity and harmony. After I play the games, even for a few minutes, I feel more gratitude and appreciation for my husband. It has brought fun, levity and connection into our lives.


What a joy to use The Playdate deck during a retreat time with friends!  Playing together filled our time with laughter, and the deck gave us opportunity for reflection and connection with one another.  Each card gave clear instructions for how to play and invited us to learn about one another and ourselves in the process. I look forward to more opportunities to use the deck with my family and friends.


The perfect way to break out of your day-to-day funk and re engage with your partner in a unique and playful way. 

  • This game needs a tissue sponsor! Every time we play, we end up laughing so hard we cry.

  • Initially, when I brought out the deck, my partner would groan, saying, "It's been a long day, and I'm tired." However, after just one or two cards from the Playdate Deck, we'd find ourselves laughing, rekindling our connection, and rediscovering the playful spark in our relationship, reenergizing us both.

  • Even reading the manual feels like a TLDR checklist for a successful relationship: “It’s important to approach this with a sense of playfulness and kindness, not to teach your partner how to be better.” …Boom! Couples therapy mic drop. 

  • Sara's improv class was my first, and despite feeling nervous each and every time, I walked away from each session feeling invigorated and deeply connected to my fellow classmates. The Playdate Deck recaptures that playful, childlike spirit we embraced together, a feeling I've joyfully shared with my partner, friends, and family ever since.


The Playdate Deck creates an instant atmosphere of contagious joy and delight. We brought it out with groups of friends on multiple occasions and the room erupted in laughter. Whenever we use it, someone asks me for the link to purchase their own. My husband and I use it with our kiddos, too. There is no better vehicle to connect, explore, and play together.

Merideth Hite Estevez, musician and author

These games are fantastic! Not only are they fun but engaging and memorable. It was an entertaining and creative way to both strengthen an existing friendship as well as develop a new one. I look forward to playing more of them!


I am seeing a new guy, and things are going great. As part of our most recent date, we did an app, main dish, and dessert game from your deck. They did amazingly at setting our mood and building connection. I had the most wonderful day, and The Playdate Deck was a huge part of it.

I'm looking forward to playing with the cards more. I did one with my friend's 5-year-old son. It was the dancing while one is the leader and switching. He loved it, and now he wants to play the "play pretend cards" all the time.
